Thursday, January 5, 2012

The road to Phoenix...

I feel an obligation to the community to support all the users who installed TWRP2. But since I'm no longer in TeamWin, I don't have access to their repositories anymore, nor is the communications between myself and the majority of the team very productive. I extended an offer to them to work on Phoenix as a joint effort, which as expected, was rejected. They will continue to support TWRP and take it in their own direction, although they've changed their stance and will carry the GUI forward. I, on the other hand, may look to offer another team the option to be part of Phoenix (it really is that big of a project).

So in the meantime, since I still feel obligated to the community, I'm *also* still doing development work against the RC tree, but now hosted on a different git server. From this, I've already begun some of the fixes and improvements, as well as continued evolution of the XML theme engine. Unfortunately for themers, this means there will be two theme-able recovery engines out there of similar but not identical functionality.

I'm working hard to clean up the theme style for the Phoenix architecture, and making life a lot easier on themers. Hopefully, people will find my improvements both beneficial and easier to use than the original style.

The upcoming releases for devices (including the Epic Touch 4G) is *NOT* Phoenix. Believe me, Phoenix is a completely different beast, and won't be ready as quickly as people deserve bug fixes and promised products.

And fear not, Kindle Fire folks, I'm getting close to buying a Kindle Fire so I can give you the 100% support you need with a full GUI recovery engine.

And the Galaxy Nexus? Yes, I'm hoping to release a build for you guys, too. I only get sporadic access to the device, making it very difficult to find and fix the graphics bugs. But I will find and fix them.


  1. Thanks for all your hard work. The TWRP/E4GT fiasco was very disappointing. Having used alternate recoveries in the past, CWM, while good, just doesn't satisfy me. It will be nice to have options again.

  2. Wish I could find more information on why there was a split,can you link me to a source?

  3. looking forward to this when released the best of luck to you
